Примеры промт


PROMT: Imagine that you are high skiller SEO-specialist. You
need to research affiliate websites from TOP10 of google
search in crypto niche. Especially crypto exchanges reviews.
Provide me detailed comprehensive article outline template to
write best comprehensive review of Binance crypto exchange

PROMT: Imagine that you are high skilled SEO-specialist.
You need to research affiliate websites from TOP10 of
google search fishing gear niche. Especially fishing reels
reviews. Provide me detailed comprehensive article outline
template for "X fishing reel review" type of article.

Если нужно понять какие именно характеристики товара
нужно впихнуть в обзор: PROMT:Which technical
parameters is reasonable to provide in fishing reels
products reviews?

Получаем пример реального обзора

PROMT:provide example of that description for one of well
know real fishing reel

All output should be in Russian

Идем протыкиваем выдачу копируем, просим написать
FAQ где чат ответит на эти вопросы:

"Please add these question as FAQ at the bottom of the
ПРОМТ для анализа ниши:
PROMT: Act as high expirienced SEO-specialist with strong
marketing background and analyze the [fishing equipment]
niche and provide me an overview of its current state,
popular subtopics, and potential opportunities to get search
traffic in this niche. Provide information which goods are
included in each subtopic. Recommend me less competitive
subtopic with high traffic potential and 10 sub-sub topics
for this subtopic
ПРОМТ для получения структуры сайта в
целевой нише:
PROMT: Outline a recommended structure for a content
site focusing on the [fishing equipment] niche, including
categories and subcategories that cater to the interests
of the target audience.
Prompt for content ideas:
PROMT: Provide a list of high-potential content ideas
within the [fishing equipment] niche that are likely to
generate Google search traffic quickly.
Добавляем PROMT: Provide traffic potential for each
//Рассчитает трафиковый потенциал каждого топика

Добавляем PROMT: Now group these content ideas by
traffic potentinal and provide it as a table:
First column: topic name
Second column: traffic potential
Third column:The main topic to which this article belongs

//Сделает красивую сводную табличку