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new: tagDiv CSS Analyzer Tool (beta, only on Chrome browser) – For the first time in the Newspaper Theme, we’re introducing a free and awesome tool that analyzes and removes all the unused CSS from the page, supporting your effort to make your website faster. The tagDiv CSS Analyzer Tool works in stages. First, it removes all the unused CSS, then, from the final clean CSS, it generates the Critical CSS and automatically moves the non-critical one to the bottom of the page;
new: 2 New one-click installable PRO Demos created with the tagDiv Cloud Library & tagDiv Composer:
new: Smaller CSS files – We’ve moved the individual CSS on the components where it is used to make the specific elements load faster;
new: Added help video tooltips on the shortcodes options in the tagDiv Composer page builder;
new: Added the disable Google fonts for mobile option in the Theme Panel;
new: tagDiv Standard Pack is no longer required on new theme install;
new: Updated WPBakery & Revolution Slider plugins to the latest version;
misc: Web Core Vitals – We’ve made a general theme revision for Web Core Vitals to improve Performance, Accessibility, and SEO. In some cases, you’ll need to make particular revisions to get better results;
misc: We’ve removed the CSS style from the Cloud Library plugin. Now, all style is moved on the components where is used;
misc: Flex blocks – Added extra Review Stars options;
misc: Applied Animation/Lazy Load effect on the Revolution Slider images;
misc: Added Lazy Load animation on the Image Box and Inline Single Image element;
misc: Added width and height attributes on the Inline mage and Fancy image elements;
misc: New options to change the SEO Title Tag on various shortcodes;
misc: New options to add Gradient & Shadow on sticky rows;
misc: Added “Time ago” option for blocks;
misc: The Inline Text element now recognizes footer shortcodes;
misc: Removed left/right margin restrictions for the column/inner column;
misc: Smaller Newspaper font – some icons are now converted into SVG;
misc: ‘rel’ option for logo URL;
misc: ‘rel’ option for social share;
fix: Food Recipes demo fix – meta info on modules was hidden from CSS;
fix: Front page offset issue on the Mobile Theme;
fix: Some string translations on the Mobile theme;
fix: Undo/redo history in tagDiv Composer due to memory limit on local storage;
fix: WPML notices;
fix: Saving theme panel backups;
fix: Title styles on the Single Comments;
fix: Background image upload in the panel when the image has caption;
fix: Prevent sending XSS injection in block ID – courtesy to Toan Nguyen & Truoc Phan;
fix: Shadow issue on row dividers;
fix: Ad title position;
fix: Some translation strings;
fix: Open modal login from comments shortcode without the panel option;
Yoast SEO 16.1 is out today! It features several enhancements and fixes that make the plugin chug along nicely. Happy updating! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.1 in our release post!
Improves the performance of the SEO data indexing process by optimizing the queries used for fetching unindexed objects.
Adds your OpenGraph or Twitter image as the main image in Schema when they’re set.
Adds contentUrl to the schema image output.
Improves the performance of the post indexing. Props to Ovidiu Liuta.
Improves the URL in the Google preview when in the desktop mode.
Improves the performance of loading the person & organization logo in Schema.
Improves the performance by optimizing several calls to WP path and basename functions by using already defined and calculated constants.
Removes the keyphrase highlighting in the mobile meta description to reflect new Google behavior.
Fixes a bug where the analysis highlight button would be visible in our Elementor integration even though we don’t support it.
Fixes a bug where a warning was shown on the Features settings page when running the plugin on PHP 8.0.
Fixes a bug where a warning was shown on the Integrations settings page when running the plugin on PHP 8.0.
Fixes a bug where, on a multisite installation, enabling/disabling auto-updates for Yoast SEO would not automatically enable/disable auto-updates for Yoast SEO Premium and the other Yoast add-ons.
Fixes a bug where the breadcrumbs aren’t updated properly when editing a post via the quick edit.
Fixes a bug where the rewrite rules would not always be flushed on plugin activation.
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[Версия 10.3.8]
новое: создание мобильных шаблонов верхнего / нижнего колонтитула из настольных версий;
новое: опция закрепления строк в tagDiv Composer;
новое: всплывающее окно видео для шорткода «Одно изображение» и «Встроенное отдельное изображение»;
улучшение: производительность системы истории tagDiv Composer;
улучшение: совместимость с WooCommerce 4.7;
улучшение: установка демоверсий на низкое значение php max_execution_time;
улучшение: мы обновили плагин WPBakery до последней версии;
улучшение: мы обновили плагин Revolution Slider до последней версии;
fix: встроенное исправление Facebook для избранных видео (система генерации эскизов устарела и больше не будет поддерживаться);
исправлено: шаблоны нижнего колонтитула импортируются как мобильные шаблоны;
fix: Исправление css блока заголовка;
fix: Социальный счетчик Facebook;
исправлено: шаблоны одного облака WPML не отображаются на определенных языках;
fix: wpb_wrapper - селектор для столбцов;
fix: код css для шаблона блока загружается только при заполнении настраиваемого заголовка;
исправлено: длина отрывка;
fix: предупреждение о недопустимой строке на иконках шрифтов;
исправлено: проблема с переводом сообщения сброса пароля;
fix: счетчик социальных сетей Twitter.