Invision Power Board 3.0.4 Released


New Member
<b>We are pleased to announce Invision Power Board 3.0.4 has been released.</b>

This is a maintenance release for IP.Board 3 and addresses various bugs and adds in some enhancements to existing features along with performance improvements. Also, IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads have received a maintenance update.

<b>Major Changes Since 3.0.3</b>

Among many dozens of smaller bugs fixed, the following large changes and fixes have been made in the 3.0.4 release:<ul><li>IP.Board: RTE support in Safari and Chrome</li><li>IP.Downloads: Option to not check filetype for linked files</li></ul><b>Downloading</b>

You can download IP.Board 3.0.4 and any applications you have an active license for in the <a href="" target="_blank">client area</a>. As always, make a backup of your community before proceeding.

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