IP.Chat 1.0.0 Released


New Member
<b>We are pleased to announce IP.Chat, our newest application, is now available.</b>

IP.Chat is a DHTML-driven chat room application that makes heavy use of Javascript and AJAX technologies to present a feature-rich package that you and your members can use to chat real-time on your site.
<ul><li>Ability to turn system online and offline, as well as ability to allow specified groups access to the system while it is offline</li><li>Ability to require users to agree to a configurable terms of use page before being granted access</li><li>Ability to ban and kick users from the chat room</li><li>Ability to set chat room only opened between specific hours</li><li>"Who's chatting" hook for board index</li><li>Miscellaneous formatting options</li><li>All your IP.Board emoticons are available in IP.Chat</li><li>Your IP.Board bad-word list is imported into IP.Chat to filter messages</li><li>Sound events for user entering and leaving room plus new messages. Sounds can be disabled per-user.</li></ul>
IP.Chat installs on your IP.Board installation and is configurable like any other IPS application for skinning, colors, and more. The chat message exchanges are handled by IPS servers eliminating the need for you to worry about high-volume chat transactions on your local community server.


The IP.Chat service is priced based on the number of users in your chat room at any one time. As a benefit to active IP.Board license holders, the first chat service package of 5 online users will be free!

5 online - Free with active IP.Board license
20 online - $19.99 / year
50 online - $29.99 / year
250 online - $79.99 / year

<b>How to Order and Download</b>
<ul><li>Login to the Client Area and go to <i>New Purchase</i>. Find <i>IP.Chat: Free</i> under <i>Invision Power Board Optional Addons</i> and click <i>Buy Now</i>.</li><li>Order as normal, the package is free so you will not be charged.</li><li>Go to <i>Your Downloads</i> and download the IP.Chat package.</li><li>Go to <i>Your Purchases</i> and select the IP.Chat package.</li><li>To use IP.Chat it must be associated with an IP.Board or IPS Community Hosting package. Select the package to associate with and you will then see a chat service key appear.</li></ul>
You can also upgrade or downgrade your chat service level in the purchases area.

<ul><li>If you are not on IP.Board 3.0.5, upgrade to it.</li><li>Upload all files contained within the <i>upload</i> directory of the IP.Chat zip file. This is just like installing any other application in IP.Board.</li><li>Go to <i>Manage Applications & Modules</i> in your IP.Board AdminCP.</li><li>Select the <i>Install</i> link next to the Chat Services application.</li><li>Once the install is complete you can go to My Apps and select Chat Services. Just enter the chat service key found under <i>Your Purchases</i> in the Client Area to activate.</li></ul>
You can also view documentation in the Customer Resources section for more information.

<i>As this is the first release of a brand new product there could still be some remaining issues. If you experience problems please post a bug report or open a ticket for technical support.</i>

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