IPS Community Suite Benefits


New Member
In addition to the great software that IPS offers in its Community Suite line, we offer many great benefits that go along with the products to enhance your community, make it easier to manage, and allow you to focus on your members rather than software management.

As the first supported release of IP.Board 3.1.0 and its applications is nearly here, we thought we would take this time to review all the great benefits you get along with the software suite itself.

<b>Spam Monitoring Service</b> <i>[<a href="http://www.invisionpower.com/products/spammonitor/" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

The Spam Monitoring Service is a great, <b><i>free</i></b> service for all active IP.Board license and IPS Community Hosting clients. The Spam Monitoring Service leverages the many thousands of IP.Board community installs all over the web to help track and catch those spammers attempting to register on your community. It works like this:
<ul><li>Someone attempts to register on your community.</li><li>Your local IP.Board install contacts IPS Spam Monitoring servers to see if that user registering is a known spammmer.</li><li>If so, the service gives the account a score of the likelihood it is a spammer and your IP.Board can ban them or put them up for manual approval depending on your preferences.</li></ul>
The Spam Monitoring Service can "learn" from the thousands of communities reporting registration statistics to it and spot trends. For example, a real human would never be able to register on 50 communities in a matter of one minute but a spam bot could so the service learns from this and bans accounts it sees doing that sort of behavior.

For the privacy of you and your members registering, the service does not store any member information permanently.

<b>Skin Generator</b> <i>[<a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=core&module=skingen" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

The <b><i>free</i></b> Skin Generator is a great tool to get you on your way to customizing the look and feel of your community to make it your own. For both novice and advanced skinners, the Skin Generator speeds up the process of creating a skin with custom colors, header, and other options. From there you can continue to edit it to further create your own, unique look for your community!

<b>Community Projects</b> <i>[<a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/community_projects.html" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

There are many great products that IPS itself doesn't have time to make. To fill those gaps, some of our great community of customers have come together to volunteer their time to create <b><i>free</i></b> products that work right with IP.Board as any other application. All are offered for free to active license holders and done for the fun of it by the volunteers. Be sure to thank them for their time and expertise!

<b>Resources Section</b> <i>[<a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/community.html" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

We have some amazingly talented people in our customer community and many of them create great articles, tutorials, graphics, skins, and modifications to the IPS community suite. Many are free, some have a small fee, all can be useful enhancements to your community.

Take a look through the directory of articles for interesting tutorials and tips for your community. The Downloads section is full of graphics, skins, modifications, and more for your community. Finally, be sure to subscribe to receive updates (or the RSS feed) on the <a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/2568-IPS-Resources/" target="_blank">Resources Blog</a> where our community of contributors can post updates on their latest creations!

<b>iPhone App</b> <i>[<a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/311218-ips-introduces-iphone-app-for-ipboard-communities/" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

Our new iPhone App for IP.Board has already been a great success and is <b><i>free</i></b> for both you and your members! Now your members can visit your community quickly and easily while on their mobile device. They can upload Gallery images and even update the status on your community and, if enabled, Facebook and Twitter all at once.

The iPhone App is brand new and we will continue to enhance it with your feedback. An Android platform app is on the way too!

<b>Technical Support</b>

Included with every IP.Board license and IPS Community Hosting account is great support. You can feel free to ask us a basic question, request we install or upgrade the community suite software for you, or query us on an advanced question. We are here to help your community grow and let you focus on your members rather than technical issues.

<b>IP.Chat</b> <i>[<a href="http://www.invisionpower.com/products/chat/" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

Having Live Chat on your community adds a unique way for your members to interact. The IP.Chat service includes 5 online users for <b><i>free</i></b> with your suite and you can upgrade to higher levels for a very low yearly fee.

Your chat logs are available right in your AdminCP (with IP.Board 3.1) and you can easily kick, ban, or even privately chat with members by simply clicking their name right in the chat room.

<b>Community Directory</b> <i>[<a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/links/" target="_blank">more info</a>]</i>

The new Community Directory allows any IP.Board community to be listed right on your site. Show off your community and get more traffic! The Directory is brand new so be one of the first to list your community. Also, for even greater exposure, a future version of our iPhone App will include mobile access to the Directory.

<i>We hope you enjoy all these benefits to using the IPS Community Suite! We will continue to innovate and add more benefits all the time. Everyone at IPS is looking forward to the release of the first supported version of IP.Board 3.1.0 on the afternoon of June 1 (Eastern time). Thank you for your support!</i>

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