IP.Board 3.1 Pre-Release Promotion


New Member
With the upcoming release of IP.Board 3.1 we are happy to announce a pre-release promotion so everyone can have the chance to become familiar with IP.Board on your community now and be ready for IP.Board 3.1 as soon as it's available.

<i>Purchase an IP.Board license and any <b>two</b> applications or services and receive a $50 account credit!</i>

Simply purchase your IP.Board license before May 1, 2010 along with at least two qualifying applications or services and receive a credit on your account of $50 good toward any future purchase. You can use this $50 to buy an additional application at a later date or simply save it and it will automatically be applied to future renewal fees.

<i>To qualify be sure to enter coupon code: <b>PRE31CREDIT</b></i>

<b>Qualifying Applications and Services</b><ul><li>IP.Blog</li><li>IP.Gallery</li><li>IP.Content</li><li>IP.Downloads</li><li>MS-SQL Database Driver</li><li>Conversion Service</li></ul>
<b>Recently Purchased?</b>

If you recently purchased IP.Board along with at least two of those items in the list above between the date of this announcement and March 15, 2010: simply submit a ticket to account services to request an account credit.

<b>Credit Applications</b>

Anyone who makes a qualifying purchases after the date of this announcement and uses the special coupon code does not need to do anything to get the credit. Please note that credits will not be applied until after May 15, 2010.

<b>Existing Customers</b>

Existing customers can take part in this promotion. It's a great time to buy an additional license to convert that other community you have running or start that new community you always thought about giving a try. Volume discount licenses also qualify. If you have issues ordering or are not prompted for discount code please just submit a ticket to account assistance.

<a href="http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/308343-ipboard-31-pre-release-promotion/" target="_blank"><b>Читать дальше...</b></a>
<a href="http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/308343-ipboard-31-pre-release-promotion/&langpair=en%7Cru" target="_blank"><b>Перевод...</b></a>
у меня вот лично на их форуме в ИЕ глюки по скину
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