Invision Power Board 3.0.1 Released


New Member
<b>We are pleased to announce Invision Power Board 3.0.1 has been released.</b>

This is the first maintenance release for IP.Board 3 and addresses the most critical issues discovered during the first large-scale usage of IP.Board 3's release. Also, IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads have received a maintenance update. Thanks to everyone who was an early-user of IP.Board 3.0.0 and reported issues that you came across.

<b>Major Changes Since 3.0.0</b>

Among many dozens of smaller bugs fixed, the following large changes and fixes have been made in 3.0.1 release:<ul><li>View new content changes so its more like 2.3.6 where it's based off last visit. Option to use the 3.0 style in user settings.</li><li>Option to view search results in a view similar to a forum.</li><li>More filter and sort options with search</li><li>Optimized search and view new content to improve performance</li><li>Sessions not clearing in some PHP versions fixed. Will improve performance on those versions.</li><li>Language import / export system is much more stable now.</li><li>Slow queries in the Portal have been optimized.</li><li>Many Facebook Connect issues have been addressed.</li><li>PM counts being incorrect have been fixed.</li><li>Old media tag and quote tag issues impacting display of older posts fixed.</li><li>Watched content hook in sidebar resource usage addressed.</li></ul><i>Important:</i> We have received reports of IP.Board 3.0.1 not working correctly on servers running PHP version 5.3. Please do not upgrade to IP.Board 3 if your host runs PHP 5.3. We are working on a fix for this issue and should have it in place for 3.0.2 release.


You can download IP.Board 3.0.1 and any applications you have an active license for in the <a href="" target="_blank">client area</a>. As always, make a backup of your community before proceeding.

<b>Subscriptions Manager</b>

A fully supported version of Subscriptions Manager is not yet available for IP.Board 3 just yet. The first beta of SM compatible with IP.Board 3 can be downloaded in the customer lounge on the IPS company forums. A second beta of SM is expected in the next few days. As soon as possible (depending on feedback from the beta releases) we will be releasing a supported version of SM.

<b>MS-SQL Database Driver</b>

The MS-SQL database driver will be out as a beta release early next week. Keep an eye out for an announcement regarding this update.

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