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Ребят, аншел такую штуку называется, - Inferno IPB Shout Pro
с описанием
Instructions before install please go to infernoshout>aop>aop.php
and edit it and you should see some numbers please type in random numbers in this format
^^^it has to be 10 numbers with out letters or symbols just numbers
why this is needed is because the shoutbox doesnt have callbak on it so doesnt need to be nulled
but what they do is they add a code which hits the ipbinferno.php and with that it cheks aop.php
if the numbers located in aop.php are exactly the same in their database then the domain it was
gotten from is listed in a db that have been caught useing the same number
If you really dont feel like making those changes then just make a robots.txt and blok aop.php
and ipbinferno.php from being seen in searches (thats how they chek the file)