2 Oleg
* “Landrush” Period, open to anyone but with added cost: September 26th to October 10th 2006
* “Regular” Sunrise: June 12th to September 22nd 2006
* “Industry” Sunrise: May 22nd to May 29th 2006
* General Registration from 11th October, 2006
2/ Fees
* Registration open to anyone: ? 24 /year (2 years minimum, ex. VAT)
* “Landrush” Period, open to anyone but with added cost: ? 38 /year (2 years minimum, ex. VAT)
* “Regular” Sunrise: ? 164 /year (2 years minimum ex. VAT)
* “Industry” Sunrise: ? 164 /year (2 years minimum, ex. VAT)